If you wouldn't eat it, why would you put it on your face? That's our reasoning when it comes to facial and body care products. Because we strongly believe in food's healing ability, we love making facial products you can use and eat! Hooray for edible leftovers! Here are homemade face mask recipes that you can use while enjoying your . …Continue Reading
Guide to Essential Oils: Buying Them
Welcome back to the last part of our Guide to Essential Oils series! In this post, we'll list the best places to buy your essential oils and other tidbits of information that will make incorporating them into your daily lifestyle easier and more beneficial. …Continue Reading
Guide to Essential Oils: EO Recipes
Welcome back to Part 2 of our Guide to Essential Oils! In today's post, we'll go over the many ways to incorporate essential oils into your cooking, homemade household cleaning products, popular massages, and beauty regimen. We hope you're excited, because we certainly are! …Continue Reading
Guide to Essential Oils: 3-Part Series
Welcome to the world of essential oils where everyone is beautiful, healthy and feels great! Our 3-Part Guide to Essential Oils will help you figure out just what the heck essential oils are and why they're so great for you, how to incorporate them into your daily life, and where to buy them. Stay tuned to learn more! …Continue Reading