Welcome to the last part of our Green Kitchen series! In today's post, we'll go over how to make your own cleaning products at home and other resources to make going green fun and easy!
Green Kitchen Series – Household Cleaning Products and Resources

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Welcome to the last part of our Green Kitchen series! In our previous two posts we went over ways to eat and cook green, and how to make your kitchen more eco-friendly with energy-efficient appliances and tips for taking care of your current appliances. In this post we'll go over DIY household cleaning products and resources to help your transition easier and more fun (we were tempted to write “funner” in there).
In our Guide To Essential Oils series, we provided DIY household cleaning product recipes using essential oils. The best part about making your own cleaning products at home is that they're incredibly cheap to make (most DIY recipes only use white vinegar, baking soda, rubbing alcohol, and/or water), you know what ingredients you're using to clean your home, and you're helping save the environment! It's a win-win situation for everyone! Yay, you can pat yourself on the back now! You deserve it.
Homemade Household Cleaning Products

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So, where to start first? The basic ingredients you need to make your own household cleaning products are:
- white vinegar
- baking soda
- lemon juice
- hydrogen peroxide
- rubbing alcohol
- washing soda
- Castile soap
- essential oils (optional)
Recipes and mixtures vary according to the purpose of your cleaner, so for recipes and additional resources, check out our post on Essential Oils in DIY household cleaning products with recipes here.
Also, because roaming the internet for DIY household cleaning products can be time-consuming, Keeper of the Home has listed 67 recipes for cleaning products in one place! Check them out here!
Green Resources

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Now you have all this information to help transitioning into a green kitchen and lifestyle easy and user-friendly, but the best part about being green is being part of the green community. There are tons of folks out there who are also interested in reducing waste, recycling and making the world a better place. Below are some resources to link you to green communities where people are exchanging products, tips, conversations, and saving planet earth!
The Kitchen Library – established in Toronto in 2013, the Kitchen Library is just like a regular library except instead of lending books, members can lend each other kitchen appliances. Membership is fairly inexpensive and the company even offers the option of helping you start your own Kitchen Library.
Free Cycle – a network where people can give and get things for free. You may never have to buy again! Hooray for waste-reduction!
How to Compost – the everything-you-need-to-know resource on composting!
If you missed parts 1 and 2 of our Green Kitchen series, catch them here and here! We hope you found this series informative and user-friendly. There is no time like the present to start transitioning to a green lifestyle! If you're already green, thanks for helping make the world of tomorrow a better place.
That’s all, folks! If you enjoyed our Green Kitchen series, let us know in our Comments section below! We love hearing our readers’ feedback, comments and suggestions. If you have more resources, tips and tricks for going green, we would love to hear them! Leave a comment, shoot us an email and make sure to stay in touch on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!
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