For the love of God, stop doing these 7 things in the kitchen.
7 Things You Need To Stop Doing In The Kitchen | Homemade Recipes
Everyone makes mistakes in the kitchen. It's inevitable.
But we learn from our mistakes and grow as culinary artists, resulting in better and more efficient cooking. Only problem is, if you don't know you're doing something wrong, then how will you ever learn? Today we're going to show you 7 things that you need to stop doing in the kitchen. Trust us, this will make your ingredients taste better, your food last longer and keep you feeling better in the kitchen.
#1: Don't Rinse Pasta After Cooking
Unless you’re making a cold pasta salad, do not rinse your pasta after cooking and draining. Washing it cleans away the starch, which helps sauce stick to the pasta and keep the pasta on your fork.
#2: Don't Refrigerate Everything
While cold storage is necessary for the majority of fresh food such as meat, fish and dairy, it doesn’t apply to everything. Other foods, like melons, basil and bread, lose their flavor and texture and end up molding/going bad quicker in the refrigerator. Make sure to check out our 7 Foods That You Should Absolutely Never Refrigerate.
#3: Don't Wash Your Hands With Soap
When soap and water just won’t cut it, use stainless steel to remove the smell of garlic, onion, and fish from your hands. All you need to do is rub your hands on stainless steel under a faucet of water for a few seconds and the smell will go away. How does it work? The molecules from the garlic/fish/onion bind to the molecules in the steel, taking them completely off your hands.
#4: Stop Storing Herbs In A Dry Bag
Instead of storing herbs in bags when you put them in the refrigerator, cut off of the bottom of the stems, put them in a jar filled with 1 inch of water, place a ziplock bag over the top. Your parsley and cilantro will last much longer in the fridge this way. Change the water every few days.
#5: Don't Use Microwave For Softened Butter
If a recipe calls for softened butter, don’t melt it using a microwave. Instead, fill a glass up with hot water, let it sit for a minute, dump the water out and quickly place the flipped over glass on a chunk of butter. This will soften the butter right up in just a minute.
#6: Don't Overcrowd Meat When Cooking
Food releases moisture and it needs room to escape, so leave room in the pan when you're cooking meat for that to happen. If a pan is overcrowded, your meat will become soggy, not taste as good and cook very slowly.
#7: Don't Boil Water When You Need It Simmering
There’s a difference between boiling and simmering water. Knowing that is important, especially when a recipe asks for one or the other. Right before the water is about to boil lower the temperature so that it stays at simmering, which will have only one or a couple of bubbles rising to the surface every few seconds. If you’re having trouble maintaining a simmer, keep half of the pot on the flame.
What other things are a definite no-no in the kitchen? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
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