Want to make some homemade kettle corn? Here's a simple homemade kettle corn popcorn recipe that you'll want to try for yourself!
Homemade Kettle Corn Popcorn Recipe
- 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil
- ¼ to ½ cup of granulated sugar, depending on your taste
- ½ cup of corn kernels
- 1 teaspoon of salt
Step 1.
Get your baking sheet ready. Use a parchment paper to line your baking sheet and place it near the stove. This will come handy after you are done popping your kettle corn.
Step 2.
Get a pot and pour the right amount of oil into it. To check if the oil is already hot enough, it is recommended that you drop three pieces of kernel in the pot. These will be your indicators. Put the lid on top of the pot and set the heat into a medium setting.
Step 3.
Once a kernel pop inside the pot, add in the rest of the kernels. Proceed to adding salt and sugar . If you want a sweeter taste, add ¼ cup of sugar. After pouring all ingredients, store everything right away to coat the kernels with your seasonings.
Step 4.
After pouring everything, shake the pot as the pop corn pops. As the popping increases, shake the pot a lot more vigorously. Do not forget to place the pot back into the burner so the heat inside it is properly maintained.
Step 5.
Once the popping starts to slow down, remove the pot from heat. Do not wait for the popping to stop. If you do so, you will end up burning your pop corn.
Step 6.
Pour all the contents of the pot into the baking sheet that you have prepared earlier. Spread the pop corn evenly to ensure that everything will be cooled properly. You can use a long spoon to do this.
Step 7.
Allow the pop corn to cool down. This will take about five minutes to do so.
Step 8.
Eat right away and if there are some left overs, store those in a tight container.
That's all folks. Did you enjoy our homemade kettle corn recipe? Let us know in the comments section below what you thought of our homemade kettle corn recipe. Do you have a favorite homemade kettle corn recipe that's been in your family for ages? Share it with us and we'll give it a shot. We love making quick and easy recipes that you can make right from the comfort of your home. Hence the reason we started Homemade Recipes.com We want to share our love of cooking with the you! We need your help in creating a community of foodies where you can come and share your recipes and expect the best homemade food prepared by our team of expert chefs and food connoisseurs. Do you want to write for Homemade Recipes? Shoot us an e mail and make sure to stay in touch on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest!
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liveitthebest says
Of course! this is an all time favorite while doing just anything 🙂